PhpUnit Extras

Testing Classes that Call an Argument Method in Constructor


namespace AKlump\PHPUnit\Test\EasyMock;

use AKlump\PHPUnit\EasyMockTrait;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;

Here is the Test

class ConstructorCallsArgumentMethodUnitTest extends TestCase {

  use EasyMockTrait;

  protected function getSchema() {
    return [
      'classToBeTested' => '\AKlump\PHPUnit\Test\EasyMock\Oscar',
      'classArgumentsMap' => [

        // We can manually create a mocked object with a pre-defined expectation
        // so that the constructor is able to call the expectation method, when
        // we use a callable like this:
        'pappa' => function () {
          $mock = \Mockery::mock('\AKlump\PHPUnit\Test\EasyMock\Pappa');

          return $mock;

  public function testConstructor() {

Class Being Tested

class Oscar {

  private $pappa;

  public function __construct(Pappa $pappa) {
    $this->pappa = $pappa;


Class With a Method That Gets Called in Oscar::__construct

class Pappa {

  private $date;

  public function setDate(\DateTime $date) {
    $this->date = $date;
