PhpUnit Extras

Testing Classes Without a Constructor


namespace AKlump\PHPUnit\Test\EasyMock;

use AKlump\PHPUnit\EasyMockTrait;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;

Here is the Test

class NoConstructorUnitTest extends TestCase {

  use EasyMockTrait;

   * {@inheritdoc}
   * This implementation only indicates a class to be tested, which takes no
   * constructor arguments.  Each test method will automatically have a new
   * instance of this class available as $this->obj.
  protected function getSchema() {
    return [
      'classToBeTested' => "AKlump\PHPUnit\Test\EasyMock\Alpha",

  public function testDateReturnsString() {
    $this->assertInternalType('string', $this->obj->date());


Class Being Tested

class Alpha {

  public function date() {
    return date_create()->format('r');
